Happy Sunday, everyone! Hope this weekend brought you all good things (good books, relaxation from the long work week, and time with family and friends)!
I've had a wonderful weekend as my husband decided to take the kids camping and they were eager to get out into nature and have some fun. I'm not the huntin'-fishin'-kinda-gal, so I opted to stay home and get a few things done here. Oddly enough,(hee hee) all the projects I had planned didn't pan out, but I got some lovely reading done and quality me-time. ;)
Spent the morning immersed in the most wonderful novel -- Zemindar by Valerie Fitzgerald. Will be luxuriating in all its goodness for a while as I don't want to rush it. It is a novel to be savored, and I spent the morning in my yard with my book, a tall glass of iced tea, and the pup curled up under my chair.
This was my view from my lounge chair for most of the morning -- :)
I took a walk around my property and just soaked in all the beauty of this time of year. Everything in my garden is just a profusion of pinks and creams and purples.....just gorgeous! Pretty soon the gardenias, magnolias, and the sweet jasmine will begin to bloom, and the scent is like heaven on earth. I love springtime!
On another note, were any of you like me recently and glued to the tv on Sunday watching Downton Abbey? I thought it was a wonderful period piece, and below is a hilarious spoof of it (which I saw on Ruth's blog, Booktalk & More). Enjoy!
(Suddenly Sunday is hosted by Svea at Confessions and Ramblings of a Muse in the Fog.)
Blogger is making commenting very hard today. I will try one more time and hope I haven't left three of them previously :)
Zemindar is awesome, and you do want to savor it, especially the lat 100 pages or so. Kick the kids, dog and DH out the door and unplug the phone.
I'll take your advice!
Very positive post. And the flowers on the pictures look beautiful. I had a splendid weekend myself too. I cannot wait for the next one. Wish you a successful week! Regards from me and Park Lane hotel!
Beautiful flowers! The wildflowers have started blooming here, though it's been too rainy this week to enjoy them!
I love that Upton Downstairs Abbey spoof--part 2 is really funny too! :D
Is it wrong for me to be very very jealous of your beautiful weather and gorgeous flowers????
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