"Julia Beckett believes in destiny. When she moves into Greywethers, a beautiful sixteenth-century farmhouse, she suspects that more than coincidence has brought her there. The locals are warm and welcoming, especially the eligible squire of Crofton Hall, yet beneath the ordinariness, Julia senses a haunting sadness about her new home. Then she learns of Mariana, a beautiful young woman who lived there three hundred years ago. It seems history has been waiting for Julia....."
This is the gorgeous new cover for Sourcebook's April 2012 release of Mariana, one of my very favorite books by Susanna Kearsley. Haunting, romantic, with time travel and history, this book blew me away when I first read it in 2010 and started me on a search for every book I could get my hands on by Susanna Kearsley!
Here is my review of Mariana from 2010 and the beautiful book trailer.....hope you enjoy this wonderful book! If you enjoyed The Winter Sea, and The Rose Garden, you must put Mariana on your TBR list and grab it when it is released in April!
Oh my gosh I can't wait to get my hands on this book! How were you able to read this? I haven't been able to find it anywhere even though Mariana was released before and is now going to finally be released here in the states come April. I'm so glad to hear that you loved this book.
Lynn - About two years ago when I first heard of Susanna Kearsley her books were not available (that I could find) in the US. So I searched on ebay and found a used copy of Mariana for sale from the UK. It was the first book I ever read by Kearsley and I absolutely fell in love with her writing!! You can see by the cover of my original book that it was a different publisher. Since that time, Sourcebooks has begun issuing her books here in the US and I'm so glad! I've paid hefty shipping prices ordering her books from the UK.
I just finished The Winter Sea and loved it. Can't wait to read more by this author!
Okay now I've got to get my hands on this book. It sounds wonderful.
Have you heard of any Catherine Cookson's books? She writes very 'raw' and yet historically accurate - with romance intertwined.
Tricia- If you loved The Winter Sea, you will ADORE Mariana!
Anjuli - Yes, I love Catherine Cookson....and a funny coincidence is that Susanna Kearsley won the Catherine Cookson Award for Mariana! I need to try to find some old copies of Cookson books. Thanks for reminding me about this author. :)
I'm reading The Rose Garden and love it...downloaded both The Winter Sea and Mariana to my Nook! I've discovered my new favorite writer!
Wow, looks like this is a very popular author :-) Thanks for the heads up.
When Sourcebooks offered this one on NetGalley I couldn't get it fast enough!! Can not wait to read it!
This is one I have to read. Thanks for the review.
I hope you all enjoy Mariana as much as I did!
It is so good seeing other readers discover Susanna Kearsley's backlist!
Marg - Yes!! Sourcebooks is doing such a great job getting the books into the hands of U.S. readers, and I hope the trend continues. I wish they would reissue as many of her backlist as possible. The only book I don't have (too expensive on used websites) is The Splendour Falls. I can't wait for her "sort of" sequel to The Winter Sea!!
Oh, I really want to read this one! What a gorgeous cover too.
Can't wait to read this as I really liked The Winter Sea and I'm enjoying The Rose Garden audio at the moment. Thanks for visiting my blog today!
HEY Joanne!
I just wanted to let you know that I tagged you! That means you are it, so you have to give 6 random facts about yourself and then (if you want) tag other people! Here's a link to my post with my 6 facts and the guidlines:
Hi Carole - As soon as I get a little extra time I will write up a post about my 6 random facts. :)
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